

Frequently asked questions

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Commodities are economical goods and services that have substantial value. They include raw materials such have substantial value. They include raw materials such as Agricultural commodities (e.g Cocoa, Sorghum etc.), Currency, Solid Minerals and Oil and Gas.

A commodities exchange is an open, organized, and regulated marketplace where ownership titles to specific quantities of identified commodities are traded by registered members for their clients.

  • Commodities Trading
    LCFE provides a trading platform for transparent transfer of ownership titles of commodities. We provide an environment for farmers, warehouse owners, aggregators, commodity merchants, traders of currency, oil and gas and solid minerals to be able to exchange their goods and services. In simple terms, we provide a platform for sellers of commodities to sell to buyers.
  • Capital Raising
    LCFE also provides opportunities for commodity stakeholders to raise funds for their commodity-based business through the help of registered financial/ transactions advisers. These Commodity Based business can include production, aggregation, processing, storage, logistics and Cold Chain activities.
  • Investment Opportunities
    At LCFE, investment opportunities are available for interested stakeholders to buy commodity-based financial instruments or notes that are raised on the LCFE platform through registered commodity brokers of the exchange. These commodity-based notes or instruments available ensure that investors can invest in the real sectors (Agriculture, Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals) and make returns on their investments.

No. LCFE is a self-regulating private owned exchange with an overseeing Board of Directors.

No. Only commodities and their derivatives can be traded on the LCFE platform through a registered dealing member firm or commodities broker.

There are 12 approved Agricultural and 1 approved Solid Mineral Commodities which include:
- Paddy Rice - Yellow Maize – Cocoa – Sorghum – Soya Beans – Shea nut – Palm Kernel Nuts - Whole Ginger – Dry Ginger – Cashew Nut – Sesame Seeds – Cassava – GOLD

All Commodity traders can sell their approved Commodities on LCFE by Selecting a registered Dealing Member Firm f

Yes. Gold can be bought on the exchange through a registered dealing member firm or commodities broker.

Yes. Gold can also be sold on the exchange through a registered dealing member firm or commodities broker.

Yes. LCFE provides gold-based instruments that can be traded on the Exchange through a registered Dealing Member Firm or Commodities Broker. For more details on this, contact us on and 09150008000.

LCFE has a detailed list of all its registered members with their contact details available on her website . You also contact us: and 09150008000 for further details

LCFE stakeholders include Commodity Brokers, Transaction Advisers, Settlement Banks, Collateral Managers, Certification Agents, Rating Agencies, Dealing Member Firms, Financial Advisers, Storage Facilities Companies, Aggregators, Underwriters, Custodians, Registrars, Trustees, Auditors, Insurance companies, Solicitors and Individuals or Companies interested in trading or investing in Commodity-Based Financial instruments and notes on the Exchange.

Gold can be traded on the LCFE platform through any registered Dealing Member Firm

Gold historically has been used as a hedge against inflation and as a portfolio diversifier. The LCFE provides a transparent platform for the trading of gold.

A List of Registered Dealing Member Firms are available on the website of the Exchange:

The price of gold traded on the LCFE is based on the prevailing international price of gold, the cost of production, price of vaulting and a & mark-up by issuer. In other words, the gold is usually sold at a premium.

Gold tradeable on LCFE can come in forms of Bars, Coins, Dust etc.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved Gold of 99.99% finesse and purity (24 karats). (More specifications would be available on the Exchange soon.)

Commodity Stakeholders can also raise capital through specially designed financial instruments. Capital can be raised via public investors through LCFE as long as the funds are used for Commodity Based Activities.

These are activities that cuts across the value chains of the three major asset classes of the Exchange (Agriculture, Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals). These activities include production, mining, refining, logistics, insurance, packaging, certification, storage etc.

Gold can be traded on the LCFE platform through any registered Dealing Member Firm.

Gold historically has been used as a hedge against inflation and as a portfolio diversifier. LCFE provides a transparent platform for the trading of gold.

The price of gold traded on the LCFE is based on the prevailing international price of gold, the cost of production, price of vaulting and a & mark-up by issuer. In other words, the gold is usually sold at a premium.

Quality/ Purity = 99.99% (24 Karat Gold),
Weight = 50 g
Diameter = 40 mm
Thickness = 2.3mm

All trades on Gold are done through registered Dealing Members of the Exchange. Kindly select a registered dealing member firm and open a customer account with them. They will onboard you with the Central Securities Depository (CSD) and create a trading account. Once this is done you can send a mandate to them to buy Gold for you.

The Transaction Adviser of the Eko Gold Coin transaction is GTI Capital Limited.

Yes, you can buy Eko Gold Coin through any of the registered Dealing Member Firms of LCFE.

There are 3 Faces of the Eko Coin
- Lekki-Ikoyi Link Bridge
- Aro Meta (Three Wise Men)
- Mix of Commodities

Yes you can pick up your Gol if you have bought up to a full Coin. It is however advisable to leave the coins in the secure Vault if your intend to resell the Coin on the Floor of LCFE.

Yes as long as the Eko Gold Coin remained in the secure Vault. Once the Coin has been removed from the vault it will be subjected to the onboarding processes by the Exchange at additional costs to the Seller

This policy has been put in place to protect the integrity of Gold Trading on the Exchange and avoid the introduction of replica Eko Gold Coins that do not fit the approved standards of the Exchange. Coins to be re-introduced will be considered as new entrants and will be subjected to testing and full onboarding scrutiny at the cost to the seller

The Exchange has a list of all registered members on it’s website. To Find a Broker/ Dealing member firm kindly visit the Exchange’s website and click on Community and scroll down to Dealing Member Firms. This list has all registered and licensed members of the Exchange

- Open a client/customer account with the Dealing Member Firm - The Firm will register and open an account for you with CSCS - Once this is complete you can start trading - Send a mandate to your Dealing Member Firm/Broker requesting that they buy the Eko Gold Coins for you at your chosen price and quantity